Middle Grade Learning Grades 3-7

What does my Home Quest Learning Week Look Like??? (Middle Grades)

This is a general example of what your program might look like depending on what you choose to participate in at Home Quest. All our learning opportunities are choice. We require you to participate in at least one virtual or in-person class a week with us.


At home learning


Virtual Learning Day

(2 days a week provided by the teacher.)

In-Person Learning at Annieville

(One day a week)

Outdoor Program at Boundary Beach

(One day a week)

Morning Math 30-60 minutes instruction by home facilitator/ practice work/games
Morning ADST/Language instruction & activities by home facilitator 45–60-minute virtual workshop with your teacher

(Literacy based)



Gr 6/7:


Late Morning Literacy Instruction

60 minutes

(reading, writing, oral language)

45–60-minute virtual workshops with your teacher

(Numeracy Based)

30-60 minutes of instruction by Home Facilitator Math program/games
Learning activities from your classroom page on Bright Space (Socials/Science)
30 60 minutes of Literacy minutes of instruction by Home Facilitator
Early Afternoon Literacy Instruction

60 minutes (read, write, oral language)

Learning activities from your classroom page on Bright Space (Social/Science)
Fine Arts instruction & activities by Home Facilitator
Late Afternoon Physical activity with Home Facilitator/Program Physical activity with Home Facilitator/Program