Grades 8-9 Online Learning

Our Grade 8-9 program is a virtual program. Students meet with the grade band teacher during each term to discuss the learning progress. Learning is done online where students have access to WCLN and or Study Forge courses. Our grade 8/9 teacher will oversee your progress and will support learning through small, virtual group workshops. Timelines are given for completion of assignments. Please note if you are choosing to learn online for grade 8 & 9 in Home Quest, that you must have a Home Facilitator to support you. Our grade 8 and 9 students are developing skills that will carry them through the senior years of high school. These essential skills cannot be delevoped without the support of a Home Facilitator. Our school does not run in the summer months therefore all grade 8 and 9 courses must be completed in time for reporting in the third term. Please note that our Grades 6-9 grade band is full at this time. We are generating a waitlist.